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What You Need to Know About Clear Weather Console Command Skyrim


The console is a powerful in-game tool only available to PC players. From the console it is possible, while playing the game, to enter commands that will alter most aspects of gameplay, and it is also possible to obtain detailed information about NPCs, creatures, and other items in the game.

clear weather console command skyrim

The console can be accessed in-game by toggling the "tilde key" (the actual key can be , `, º, , ,^, \, , , etc., depending on your keyboard layout), found near the 1 and Esc keys on most keyboards. The console prompt will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your screen. The console can also be used as a pause function during scenes or dialogue that cannot otherwise be paused. You can scroll the console output using the Page Up and Page Down keys. Console commands are not case-sensitive; for example, entering any of tai or TAI or TaI will toggle AI. After you type a command, press the Enter key to activate it. You will see the command you just entered displayed above the input area.

You may also target an NPC or object in the console by clicking on them, and then run command to affect the NPC or object. When an NPC or object is targeted in this way, their hex code (RefID) will be displayed at the top of the console. For example, to unlock a door, open the console, click on the door so it is the active object in the console (its RefID is shown at the top of the screen), then type unlock. When multiple objects overlap, use the mouse wheel to scroll through different RefIDs until the correct one is selected. When playing on multiple monitors, the cursor will display in the secondary monitor but clicking it will select the object in the same area of the primary monitor. Note that a complete list of objects and their RefID can be obtained by running save funclist 1 and navigating to the "ACHRs" column.

Create and archive a permanent saved game before using the console. (This mitigates only some kinds of risks.) If you need to use the console to fix a glitch, try to use the least-powerful command possible.

Example: bat mybatchfile; runs all of the console commands in the file Skyrim\mybatchfile or Skyrim\Data\mybatchfile.txt. Notice that the file you put in Skyrim directory mustn't have an extension, while the one in Skyrim\Data needs a .TXT extension. The second option is preferable - first because you don't need to change file extension and second because it keeps the root directory clean. Also a file that goes to Data folder can be shipped along with mod and placed by all Mod Managers.

Skyrim batch files are lists of console commands that are run one after the other. They have no loops, tests, or other logic and execution doesn't stop if there's a problem with one of the commands. You can create any number of batch files, each with its own purpose.

If you've never seen console commands before, it might all look a bit complicated, but it really isn't! To help ease you in, here's a little example of how to actually type things into the console. Let's take the setplayerrace command, which lets us change your character's race. For this example, we'll change into an Argonian.

That's everything you need to know about Skyrim console commands. If you want to commit to the chaotic and often-messy nature of a Bethesda RPG, come laugh at some of the best bugs from the wider world of PC games with us.

Press to open the console, and use the command FW to force weather. Please note that if the region you are in does not have the weather you are testing in its list, it will revert to a different weather in a couple of seconds. That's not a bug that's just how the engine works.fw xxx where xxx = the numeric ID listed below. For example, fw c8220 will trigger a rain storm.LIST OF VANILLA WEATHERS ALTERED / EDITED BY TRUE STORMSSkyrimFog [WTHR:000C821E]SkyrimOvercastRain [WTHR:000C821F]SkyrimStormRain [WTHR:000C8220]SkyrimStormSnow [WTHR:000C8221]FXMagicStormRain [WTHR:000D4886]SkyrimOvercastRainMA [WTHR:0010A231]SkyrimFogMA [WTHR:0010A232]SkyrimFogCO [WTHR:0010A235]SkyrimOvercastRainRE [WTHR:0010A238]SkyrimFogRE [WTHR:0010A239]SkyrimStormRainFF [WTHR:0010A23C]SkyrimOvercastRainFF [WTHR:0010A23D]SkyrimFogFF [WTHR:0010A23E]SkyrimStormRainTU [WTHR:0010A241]SkyrimOvercastRainTU [WTHR:0010A242]SkyrimOvercastRainVT [WTHR:0010A7A6]SkyrimFogVT [WTHR:0010A7A7]RiftenOvercastFog [WTHR:0010FE7E]NEW WEATHERS / IDs -- FOR THE FOLLOWING WEATHERS, REPLACE 04 WITH THE POSITION IN YOUR LOAD ORDER!TS_SkyrimStormRainRE [WTHR:04001318]TS_SolstheimDustStorm [WTHR:04001323]TS_SolstheimBurningAshfall [WTHR:0400132D]TS_SolstheimAshenFog [WTHR:0400132F]TS_SolstheimRainstorm [WTHR:04001330]

A spell to clear the weather. On my build, sometimes I get CTD which seems to somehow be related to inclement weather in the game. The console command fw 10e1f2 solves this rare bug for me, but is not very immersive. So, I created this spell instead. Just sharing in case anyone else wants it.

If you like to browse around different Weathers of Vivid Weathers you need to use to force themin the skyrim Ingame console.Usually the command FW is the fastest way to get there but also the most buggy one. the FW commandoften makes skyrim forget to render cloud layers wich result into some really horrible skys. To prevent that you can use following trick. Lets say we want to have the weathers with the weather ID 12345. So we open the console and type in FW 12345. After closing the console the weather will be there. Then open the console again and type in SW 81a - this soft forces another weather and brings back the cloud layers that skyrim forgot to render. Wait a few seconds and type in the console FW 12345 again. Now all cloud layers should be rendered.Following a overview of all Weather ID's easily forceable with the FW Command :Skyrim_Clear_ReachWeatherIDs=10e1ea 10a237Skyrim_Clear_MarshWeatherIDs=10e1e6 10a230Skyrim_Clear_TundraWeatherIDs=10e1ee 10a240Skyrim_Clear_Volcanic_TundraWeatherIDs=10e1e4 10a7a5Skyrim_Clear_CoastWeatherIDs=10e1e8 10a234Skyrim_Clear_Fall_ForestWeatherIDs=10e1ec 10a23bSkyrim_Clear_SnowyWeatherIDs=10e1f0 10a244Skyrim_Clear_Pine_ForestWeatherIDs=10e1f2 81aSkyrim_Cloudy_Pine_ForestWeatherIDs=10e1f1 12f89Skyrim_Cloudy_CoastWeatherIDs=10e1e7 10a236Skyrim_Cloudy_Fall_ForestWeatherIDs=10e1eb 10a23fSkyrim_Cloudy_MarshWeatherIDs=10e1e5 10a233Skyrim_Cloudy_ReachWeatherIDs=10e1e9 10a23aSkyrim_Cloudy_SnowyWeatherIDs=10e1ef 10a245Skyrim_Cloudy_TundraWeatherIDs=10e1ed 10a243Skyrim_Cloudy_Volcanic_TundraWeatherIDs=10e1e3 10a7a8SkyrimFogWeatherIDs=10a7a7 10a23e 10a239 10a235 10a232 c821eRiftenOvercastFogWeatherIDs=10fe7eSkyrimOvercastRainWeatherIDs=10a7a6 10a242 10a23d 10a238 10a231 c821fSkyrimStormRainWeatherIDs=10a241 10a23c c8220SkyrimOvercastSnowWeatherIDs=4d7fbSkyrimStormSnowWeatherIDs=c8221Following a overview of all Weather ID's Where you need to add your Modindex ID infront of it.For example my MOD index of the Vivid Weathers Plugin is 1C so in order to force the weather ID 12345 i need to enter FW 1C012345 to access the weather.VividClearCoastWeatherIDs=1794DE 1794DF 1794E0 1794E1 1794E2 1794E3 1794E4 1794E5 1794E6 1794E7 1794E8 1794E9 1794EA 1794EB 1794EC 1794EE 1794F0 1794F1 1794F2 1794F4 1794F5 1794F6 1794F7 1794F8 1794F9VividClearFallForestWeatherIDs=17A547 17A548 17A549 17A54A 17A54B 17A54D 17A54E 17A54F 17A550 17A551 17A552 17A553 17A554 17A555 17A556 17A557 17A558 17A559 17A55B 17A55C 17A55D 17A55E 17A55F 17A560 17A561 17A562VividClearINTWeatherIDs=16B28A 16B28B 16B28C 16B28D 16B28F 16B28E 16B290 16B291 16B292 16B293 16B295 16B296 16B297 16B298 16B299 16B29A 16B29B 16B29C 16B29D 16B294 16B29E 16B29F 16B2A0 16B2A1 16B2A2 16B2A3 16B2A4VividClearMarshWeatherIDs=17D5FF 17D600 17D601 17D602 17D603 17D604 17D605 17D606 17D607 17D608 17DB82 17D60A 17D60B 17D60C 17D60D 17D60E 17D60F 17D610 17D611 17D612 17D613 17D614 17D615 17D616 17D617 17D618 17D619 17D61AVividClearReachWeatherIDs=179A61 179A62 179A63 179A64 179A65 179A66 179A67 179A68 179A69 179A6A 179A6B 179A6C 179A6D 179A6E 179A6F 179A70 179A71 179A72 179A73 179A74 179A75 179A76 179A77 179A78 179A79 179A7A 179A7B 179A7CVividClearTundraWeatherIDs=14E30C 14E86F 14EDD5 14EDD3 14EDD6 14F89B 14F89C 1508C3 1508C4 150E27 155431 150E28 15138B 15138C 1518EF 1518F0 1518F1 1518F2 1518F3 1518F4 155EF6 156459 1523BA 14D2DF 14D2E0 14DDA7 14DDA8 157F44VividClearVolcanicTundraWeatherIDs=17DB83 17DB84 17DB85 17DB86 17DB87 17DB88 17DB89 17DB8A 17DB8B 17DB8C 17DB8D 17DB8E 17DB8F 17DB90 17DB91 17DB92 17DB93 17DB94 17DB95 17DB96 17DB97 17DB98 17DB99 17DB9A 17DB9B 17DB9C 17DB9D 17DB9EVividCloudyCoastWeatherIDs=17EC02 17EC08 17EC0E 17EC14 17EC1A 17EC20 17EC26 17EC2C 17EC32 17EC38 17EBD0 17EC3E 17EC44 17EC4A 17EC50 17EC56 17EC5C 17EC63 17EC69 17EC6F 17EBD1 17EBD8 17EBDE 17EBE4 17EBEA 17EBF0 17EBF6 17EBFCVividCloudyFallForestWeatherIDs=17EC03 17EC09 17EC0F 17EC15 17EC1B 17EC21 17EC27 17EC2D 17EC33 17EC39 17EBCC 17EC3F 17EC45 17EC4B 17EC51 17EC57 17EC5D 17EC64 17EC6A 17EC70 17EBD2 17EBD9 17EBDF 17EBE5 17EBEB 17EBF1 17EBF7 17EBFDVividCloudyMarshWeatherIDs=17EC04 17EC0A 17EC10 17EC16 17EC1C 17EC22 17EC28 17EC2E 17EC34 17EC3A 15AFB7 17EC40 17EC46 17EC4C 17EC52 17EC58 17EC5E 17EC65 17EC6B 17EC71 17EBD3 17EBDA 17EBE0 17EBE6 17EBEC 17EBF2 17EBF8 17EBFEVividCloudyReachWeatherIDs=17EC05 17EC0B 17EC11 17EC17 17EC1D 17EC23 17EC29 17EC2F 17EC35 17EC3B 17EBCF 17EC41 17EC47 17EC4D 17EC53 17EC59 17EC5F 17EC66 17EC6C 17EC72 17EBD4 17EBDB 17EBE2 17EBE7 17EBED 17EBF3 17EBF9 17EBFFVividCloudyTundraWeatherIDs=17EC07 17EC0D 17EC13 17EC19 17EC1F 17EC25 17EC2B 17EC31 17EC37 17EC3D 17EBCB 17EC43 17EC49 17EC4F 17EC55 17EC5B 17EC61 17EC68 17EC6E 17EC74 17EBD6 17EBDD 17EBE3 17EBE9 17EBEF 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